Transforming cardiac monitoring

Technology that increases the detection rate of arrhythmias in continuous exams of up to 7 days.

Group%202952.svgHealthcare facilities
Group%202952.svghealth establishment

Create events, manage exams and configure the device

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Create events, manage exams and configure the device

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Continuous cardiac monitoring for better identification of arrhythmias

Extending the days of cardiac monitoring increases the percentage of arrhythmia identification, as a study shows.

24 hours - less than 50%

4 days - around 80%

7 days - over 85%

Features and benefits
of digital monitoring

Diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases more accurate, convenient and accessible.

Wearable device

Light, flexible and wireless
Water-resistant, allowing bathing during the exam
Installation with conventional electrode
Visual warning of electrode disconnection to the patient, protecting against signal loss
Internal battery, no need to recharge during the exam

Digital technology

Continuous monitoring, from 24 hours to 7 days

Signal quality assessed during the test
Bluetooth data capture
Digital patient notebook, improving correlation with event
Artificial Intelligence (AI) reports

We have solved the problem of the diagnostic gap in cardiac arrhythmias

QuoreOne provides continuous monitoring for up to 7 days, improving the diagnostic rate of atrial fibrillation and allowing for more appropriate treatment of the patient.


is the estimated global prevalence of cases of unidentified atrial fibrillation ²


the higher the diagnostic rate of 7-day monitoring versus 24-hour monitoring in arrhythmias ³ ⁴


of unknown atrial fibrillation was identified in patients with various symptoms in 7-day monitoring


of increased detection of atrial fibrillation with wearable electrocardiogram-based screening intervention


1- M. Yenikomshian et al, Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection Monitored with Patch System, Current Medical Research and Opinion, 209, vol 35, no. 10, 1659-1670
2 - J.L. Clua-Espuny et al. Prevalence of Undiagnosed Atrial Fibrillation and of That Not Being Treated With Anticoagulant Drugs: the AFABE Study ,  Rev Esp Cardiol. 2013;66(7):545–552
3- Parikh P, et al, Diagnostic Yield of 24-Hour Holter vs 7-Day and 14-Day ePatch Extended Wear Holter, American College Cardiology.2023/ World Health Federation Annual Scientific Section, New Orleans, March 2023
4 -Ul-Qamar M.J., et al, Arrhythmias and sudden death  Detection of unknown atrial fibrillation by prolonged ECG monitoring in an all- comer patient cohort and association with clinical and Holter variables, Open Heart 2020;7:e001151. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2019-001151
5- Gladstone D. J, et al, Screening for Atrial Fibrillation in the Older Population, JAMA Cardiol. 2021 May; 6(5): 1–10.